Zahn Banking and Stock Exchange Dictionary
Zahn dictionary banking and stock exchange: download, update, online and print-edition
Hans E. Zahn's well-known business dictionary 'Banking and Stock Exchange' is tailored to the needs of the financial services industry with its basic concept - specialist terminology and general language with examples of everyday banking and stock exchange sentences.
Now a download of the current vocabulary is available as Acolada product with UniLex Pro browserand all features for Windows operating systems.
Flap text of the publisher the Fritz-Knapp-Verlag:
'When updating the two volumes of this dictionary, special emphasis has been given to the following sectors of the banking and financial services industry: retail, corporate and transaction banking, international syndication transactions, investment funds, and structured financial instruments. Moreover, special focus has been laid on the directives and regulations issued by the European Commission and national legislators with respect to capital and liquidity requirements to be met by banks and insurance companies, investor protection, derivatives trading, market infrastructures, transparency requirements, recovery and resolution of credit institutions. Particular attention has also been given to the update of terms relating to futures and options, swaps, credit derivatives and alternative risk transfer products as well as to the update of explanatory notes. Despite the substantial increase in the number of terms included, the well-proven concept of this dictionary based on the combination of market terminology and everyday language in banking and stock trading has been maintained to serve the needs of financial service providers, translators and interpreters.
The download version of the Zahn-vocabulary:
Zahn: Download Dictionary Banking and Stock Exchange German-English-German
Zahn: Update-Dictionary Banking and Finance German-English-German
The online version of the Zahn-dictionary:
Zahn: Online Dictionary Banking and Finance German-English-German